Monday, August 11, 2008

Grapes: Loving Bliss & Music, Serendipity & Synchronicity, Harbin

The grapes in the arbor over the Harbin pools, especially near the heart-shaped pool, are ripe now, but the ones at the far end of the swimming pool are small and sweet.

Loving Bliss & Music

In exploring the development of guidelines for eliciting loving bliss - - as one would practice a musical instrument - the range and techniques of all kinds of music and Watsu ({water shiatsu} come to mind as approaches for thinking about this. Both music and Watsu offer avenues 'in,' neurophysiologically, to the brain. Both are remarkably wide-ranging and fluid.

Serendipity & Synchronicity

Serendipity & synchronicity occur in great measure at Harbin. How and why aren't clear to me, but people are pretty in touch with each other in unique ways at Harbin - culture - and this, in conjunction with the 'high' one may elicit through the relaxation response in the warm pools may accentuate this.

Serendipity - 'the effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate, especially while looking for something else entirely' - seems to emerge a lot at Harbin. For example . . .

Synchronicity - 'is the experience of two or more events which occur in a meaningful manner, but which are causally unrelated' - happens a lot at Harbin, too. For example . . .

Can one cultivate serendipity, through knowing people's ways of thinking - through shared culture - and then explore these possibilities?

Someone - a hippie - was giving away these luscious, ripe grapes at Harbin, in its library, and in the pool area, yesterday. Very sweet . . .

Into the pools . . . .

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