Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Circle: Contact Improv as 'Crazy,' Labrador Personalities, Counterculture

If you look at folks doing contact improv from a slight distance, you might think they're all crazy, that a contact jam could be an insane asylum, {a little like in the film "The King of Hearts"}, or a very curious circus {or a troop of Bonobos?:}, or something that would happen at the Rainbow Gathering, or children in a family playing roly-poly bears.

Making Contact:


I think contact improv makes the people who do it very happy. It creates a space for our lab personalities {labrador retriever - coded-for genetically - as a breed, - like a species}, in a loose sense. Dance, exploration of freedom, good will, physical contact, the 'now,' and the benefits of movement and intimacy all merge and come together to shape something ongoingly new. {Is this a form of troopbonding? viz. John Money's "Concepts of Determinism" 1988}.


And contact improv took form in the early 1970s (with Steve Paxton, Nancy Stark Smith, et al., starting at Oberlin College), in the milieu of the 196os.


And people keep doing contact improv because they like it {even though contact improv isn't that widespread, - due to 'culture'? - although dance in general has always engaged the body, and dancers, in the west, have seemed to me to be more open physically than many other people, over centuries ...}.


{Someone brought pop-bubble wrap to a jam I recently went to :)}

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