Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Migrating Grebes: Thoughts about Loving Bliss, World University & School as Open Classroom Idea

Hi, Tarry,

Here are some of my thoughts about loving bliss:

scottmacleod.com/links.htm. (Also, click on the 'loving bliss' label to the right, in this blog).

You might begin with the eudaimonia letter. Thinking a little out of the box, I guess I have biology/neurochemistry as reference experiences in mind. What's loving bliss's neurophysiology vis-a-vis ecstasy (MDMA or X), naturally, without MDMA? How can we go there? (I'm a little 'wired' for this naturally, as well). Words and music can facilitate it, certainly, and traditions and language (like Vipasana Buddhism language) can shape a milieu where this is more likely to occur, is how I think about it, but I'm curious about 'rocking out' qualities relating to the biology, naturally. What's the metaphorical on/off 'switch' for this neurochemistry? I do explore the relaxation response regularly (see links in letters above), which is a kind of biological, meditation practice - eliciting a specific response of easing in my body - which I see as providing a kind of basis from which I sometimes elicit bliss, but without having 'found' the switch yet. My letters above explore some of this and more.



World University & School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com - is the open classroom idea, now mediated by the web and information technology. I attended 2 open classroom schools growing up - in Hamden, Connecticut (Ridge Hill), and Rockville, Maryland (Green Acres) - scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2009/07/ivory-gull-60s-in-switzerland.html, and WUaS's openness reflects this approach to openness.

But further, openning education up on the web, to complement a whole series of other educational opportunities is a great idea. MIT Open Course Ware is one example, but WUaS is a wiki (editable web pages), so it has a different complementary orientation to teaching and learning compared with MIT.


I post regularly about World University & School in Facebook on my wall ~ facebook.com/macleod. And here's the Facebook group for - facebook.com/group.php?gid=48753608141 - World University & School. Please join, if you'd like further updates.

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