Saturday, October 3, 2009

Koala Mother with Baby in Pouch: Koalas in the Trees are Free


Koalas in the trees are free
in their ease in natural Costa Rica.
Tree-hugging and loving,
their softness and slowness
show nature's contentment
via natural selection.

Why are they so adorable?
How can I hold one so that
its ease spreads to its cuddler?
Koala, please invite me into your trees,
so that with ease we might,
as honey bees,
co-create your sweetness together.
Mmmm ... and the relaxation response, too.
Then, Koala, I be you, and we be we.

"Drop not thy babies from the tree,"
evolutionarily, ~ so we come down,
this alone to do, and then up we go,
and we be free, with our babies.
We like slow, with young in belly pouch,
especially in the trees.

I want to be with my Koalas,
whose metabolisms are slow,
and who are free in their trees
in my beautiful Costa Rica.

Koala, I love you ~ let's we be we,
and be free.


I'm interested in suggestions of lines for this poem from friends. :)

( - October 3, 2009)

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