Monday, March 15, 2010

Ocean Bubbles: Communicating with a friend about loving bliss

Communicating with a friend about loving bliss:


I think you're exactly housemates are wonderful, wonderful people, and yet I'm still a busy bee


I'm exploring qualities of life vis-a-vis questions of loving bliss - self experienced - these days ... and neighbors can facilitate this ... but so can a really good night's sleep, which I had two nights ago, but not last night ... interesting ... And I think you project good neighborliness and find it reciprocated from housemates and friends.

It's interesting to bring these qualities of life together in relation with neighbors ... and I think you elicit a fair amount of enjoyment together ... sleep or not ...


yes, but the sleep sure does help!

and the coffee sure does inhibit!

thanks for your kind words. I find myself wondering what loving bliss is. I taught the word "bliss" to my ESL students last week...but I don't know that I'm actually that familiar with the experience


affective euphoria is one way to characterize it ... and when you're 'rocking out' to music you love is perhaps a quality of it ... with the drug MDMA ecstasy as a reference experience, which you would have to imagine if you haven't tried it.


yeah, I haven't tried it, and I'm not sure my imagination is doing it justice


In trying to think about it in terms of practice, these are some avenues I think might elicit it for some: They have for me, for example.


I'm enjoying reading it ...


How to elicit the neurophysiology of loving bliss, naturally, and when and as one wants it in all its qualities, beyond it just bubbling up sometimes, is a fascinating focus of inquiry.

( - March 15, 2010)

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