Sunday, May 9, 2010

Whip-poor-will: Education - Freedom & Equality, Pertaining to this education conversation, I'd just like to remind nontheist Friends of World Univ

Hi, nontheist Friends,

Pertaining to this education conversation, I'd just like to remind nontheist Friends of World University & School - - an open, free, WIKI university and school. It's like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware, UC Berkeley webcasts and where you and I can teach to our web cameras to each other. There's a free degree section, with a free Doctoral degree from Harvard in education in 2011 and 2012, for 25 students, listed here (, as a start.

I'm happy to say that we just incorporated as a charity in the State of California, as of April 30, 2010.

I'm the main developer of WUaS at this point, but I hope it will grow like Wikipedia has, through openness. I hope it will also be in all languages, countries, subjects and levels.

And since I'm the main developer, World University & School has a nontheistically Friendly current, with 'nontheist Friends' ( and 'Quaker' ( as subjects, but also with atheistic Quaker process informing its business practices and processes, now online. You can get to the unprogrammed Quaker Meeting in Second Life from both of these Friendly links.

There's already a lot of open teaching and learning material at WUaS already, and I hope this will grow. Legally, WUaS is in the Creative Commons sphere.

As a wiki which will eventually offer credit and degrees, I hope it will build on the experiments of Friends/Quaker Schools in the States, as well as A.S. Neill's Summerhill, as well as create an opportunity for us. Both sought to create freedom from existing educational processes and systems.

And I'd like to extend an invitation here to you to participate in World University and School. There are may ways to do this, but simply clicking on 'edit this page' and teaching, adding teaching resources, or learning, is the simplest. There's even a budding 'World University Music School' - Let's create nontheistically Friendly music. :)


( - May 9, 2010)

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