Monday, June 28, 2010

Nighthawk: World University & School's beginning Law School, Khan Academy, What great, open, teaching & learning material is missing?

Here's World University & School's beginning 'Law School' - WUaS is like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, UC Berkeley webcasts, and where people can teach to each other. Degrees coming ... Teach, Learn, Add, Create :)


Here's "A global teacher of 1,516 lessons and counting," an article ( on Sal Khan's GREAT "Khan Academy" (, a non-profit educational institute focusing on educating the world.

World University & School has a remarkable list of free, open, aggregates of teaching material at World University & School at 'Course Listings' Aggregates': which includes Khan Academy. What would you like to teach, learn or create learning-wise?


What great, open, teaching & learning material is missing? Let World University and School know and/or simply add it ...

( - June 28, 2010)

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