Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ichkeul National Park, Tunisia: 'Index Investing,' Socially Responsible Investing, Mutual funds, Vanguard Mutual Funds' founder Bogle

Index Investing -

and Socially Responsible Investing - -

both still make eminent sense for a variety of reasons,

and index investing

(e.g. in the S&P 500 and vis-a-vis Vanguard Mutual Funds,

which significantly focus on indexing)

will probabilistically make you richest in the long term,

of all investing strategies ...


Concerning 'Index Investing,' Socially Responsible Investing, Socially Conscious Investing, related, specific mutual funds, and Vanguard Mutual Funds' founder Jack Bogle's rationale's for indexing, see:

There's also a fascinating interview of Jack Bogle with Steve Forbes of Forbes magazine here -

Bogle, Jack and Steve Forbes. 2009. John C. Bogle on Index Investing. January 9. (Intelligent Investing with Steve Forbes).

- and on the WUaS Index Investing page:


Use Morningstar Guide to Mutual Funds (an objective, comparative analysis), in your local public library, to do your own research about mutual funds to buy for the long term.


(The government of Norway, for example, also uses social criteria for its investments, and Quakers have, as well, for centuries.

... Socially-responsible investing is one kind of sensible strategy to complement the Occupy Wall Street movement).

( - October 16, 2011)

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