Saturday, March 24, 2012

Red pandas: World University & School draws pragmatic inspiration from the Peace Corps' great success, All Languages and Nation States

World University & School draws pragmatic inspiration from the Peace Corps' great success,

and their service orientation which began in the early '60s ...

for making open, free, wiki teaching and learning resources available in all 3000-8000 languages (with MIT OCW) ... see


Nation States:

for the languages & countries you might enjoy helping with.


I have a fair number of friends for whom Peace Corp was one of the best experiences of their lives,

and WUaS would like to generate similar helping opportunities.

Here's what a friend says about PC ...

"Peace Corps changed my life in so many ways, all positive. From language to marriage to exposure to a new rich culture, I grew as a person and a member of a community. Thank you to the American taxpayer for paying for and supporting this program and thank you to all former and current volunteers for their work. Happy Peace Corps Day!" .. and here's a Peace Corps video -

... Pragmatic (and institutional) inspiration for WUaS :)


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