Saturday, July 21, 2012

Birds on a branch in India: Heard Narayan Desai not too long ago, who had long, direct contact with Gandhi himself, and this was impressive and inspiring

Heard Narayan Desai not too long ago,

who had long, direct contact with Gandhi himself,

and this was impressive and inspiring.

I heard him at UC Berkeley's iSchool,

and he speaks from his experience/heart,

with many experiences of being with Gandhi.

(I find the salutary effects of Hindu culture,

as well as India, fascinating, in many ways, anyway,

and I saw some of this in Narayan).

Narayan Desai

There are two + subjects with themes related to what he talks about at WUaS:

Ahimsa, or nonharming - -

and Peace and Social Justice Studies - ...

with an invitation to hear him when he's next speaking near you

(he also spoke at the Berkeley Friends' Meeting House on 4/12/12),

and to 'edit a page' at WUaS about these themes.

(WUaS is like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware).


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